Benvenuto nell’Academy di Cryptosmart
Lo scopo dell’Academy è introdurre le persone comuni, soprattutto principianti, al mondo delle criptovalute e della tecnologia Blockchain.
La nostra “scuola” vuole istruire in maniera semplice e veloce; raccontare questa affascinante rivoluzione che cambierà la vita futura nei prossimi anni; spiegare come sfruttare i vantaggi del mondo digitale nei risparmi.
Lightning Network
Lightning Network: what it is and how Bitcoin layer 2 works Lightning Network is an excellent Layer 2 that solves the slow and wasteful problems of the bitcoin blockchain by expanding its use cases.We all know bitcoin, the undisputed queen of the crypto universe. From...
(BTC) is a digital currency, used and distributed in a totally electronic manner. It is a decentralized peer-to-peer network, free from the control of individuals or institutions. It cannot be printed, and its quantity is limited: no more than 21 million can be...
Imagine buying a digital artwork on the Internet for a reasonable price and getting a unique digital token that proves your authority over the artwork you purchased. Wouldn't that be great? Well, this opportunity exists now, thanks to NFTs. NFTs are currently taking...
Metaverse is an esoteric term first used in 1992 in Neal Stephenson's novel Snow Crash, described by the author as a kind of virtual reality shared via the Internet, where one is represented in three dimensions through one's Avatar. In 2021, there was a...
Ethereum is an open source distributed software platform based on blockchain technology. It has its own native cryptocurrency called Ether and a programming language called Solidity.Blockchain is a distributed ledger technology that records actions, such as...
Bitcoin è senz’altro la “criptovaluta” più popolare al mondo. Inventata nel 2009 da tale SatoshiNakamoto, nel novembre 2021 la sua quotazione toccò l’apice di 69.000 dollari, portando l’intero mercato a capitalizzare oltre 1.000 miliardi. Si tratta di una moneta...
Polkadot is an extremely innovative blockchain that aims to overcome what are the two main limitations of currently existing platforms. These are scalability, or rather the absence of scalability, and hyper-specialization. Regarding scalability, that is, the inability...
Criptovalute e blockchain
Chi ha inventato la Blockchain? Una persona o un gruppo di persone identificatesi con il nome Nakamoto ideò due elementi tra loro collegati: la chiave di sicurezza privata Bitcoin e il registro distribuito chiamato Blockchain. Quando acquisti fondi in Bitcoin ne assumi il controllo tramite una chiave di sicurezza privata, cioè una sequenza casuale di numeri e lettere che sblocca una cassaforte virtuale.